I just love this time of year – blue skies, warm days, outdoor fun, and of course, weddings!

I’m sure that anyone who lives in Pittsburgh and has spent any time near the rivers, especially the Allegheny, has seen an explosion of crew teams and individual rowers paddling down the rivers. The sport has become hugely popular around the country and here in Pittsburgh.

Along with school crew teams, kayaking has become very popular and you can now rent Kayaks near PNC park – it’s great fun.

My kids have all been involved with rowing for the Fox Chapel Crew team – they’ve really been doing well. Nina gave up her graduation ceremony along with other seniors to race in the US Rowing Nationals in Cincinnati. Their boat placed 10th in the country. Ok, so I’m a proud dad!


So many fun activities are available near our rivers and I’ve started running again after a long absence. There’s a great trail along the river from Millvale to Heinz Field and beyond (to come down the road hopefully).

If anyone is interested in maybe a 100 mile Nike challenge, that would be great motivation.

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